Natural Cleaning Melbourne
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Price will vary greatly depending on various factors. Please leave a phone number we can contact you on.

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Paid through NDIS, TAC or Other Insurance Companies
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Estimated cost:


House cleaning:

We offer two house cleaning services:

Typical regular house/office cleaning:

This service includes kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, wiping and dusting, vacuum cleaning, mopping, removing rubbish and relining rubbish bins. 

One-off or end-of-lease cleaning:

This service includes kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, wiping and dusting, vacuum cleaning, mopping, removing rubbish, cleaning inside pantries and cupboards, oven cleaning and range hood cleaning.

For both of our home cleaning services, we use only natural cleaning products that are both safe and highly effective! This ensures that when we clean your residential property, you can be confident that your home is in safe hands. Check out our Cleaning Products for more information on the cleaning agents we use. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask us by filling out our contact form

Or, if you are ready to give your home a top-quality clean, give us a call today on 1300 414 838 to receive a free quote in minutes!

Window cleaning:

Professional window cleaning would include both inside and outside and washing fly screens upon request.

To find out how we can help you keep your windows sparkling clean at an affordable price, contact us now for a quote in just two minutes!

Carpet Cleaning:

We use a specialised carpet cleaning machine that can remove even deeply ingrained dirt from your carpet. Its rotating power brushes lift the dirt right out! Many customers are surprised to see the black water that comes out of their carpets. This service is also very popular and helpful for those who suffer from dust allergies.

If you have any more queries about our carpet cleaning process, we welcome you to fill out our contact form.

We can have your carpets looking brand new! Contact us now at 1300 414 838 to receive your carpet cleaning quote in minutes!

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